If You Don’t Pay Debts Then What Can Bailiffs Do?

If You Don’t Pay Debts Then What Can Bailiffs Do

We often avail loans to meet different requirements. Many of us fail to repay the debts due to several reasons. The lenders are authorized to recover their loans for which the authorities concerned hire the services of the persons known as Bailiffs. Known by different names, e.g. enforcement officers, enforcement agents, sheriff officers or messenger-at-arms in different states, Bailiffs are permitted by the court of law. They have many rights to recover the loans. Different states have their individual operating systems as far as Bailiffs are concerned. In case you don’t pay the debts then the Bailiffs can do the following to you.

If You Don%E2%80%99t Pay Debts Then What Can Bailiffs Do

a.) Entry in the house – The entry of the bailiff into the house of the defaulter depends entirely upon the particular situation. In Wales and England, the Bailiffs cannot just enter your house unless you are the defaulter for payment of VAT, Income Tax or an unpaid fine, i.e. the Crown debt. It may be noted that if the bailiffs force their entry into your house, you can ask the police to help you. But if you fail to pay your mortgage payments or the rent, then the bailiffs have the right to enter your house as they are authorized to do so through the court of law. It is worth noting that the bailiffs can’t enter your house between 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. as per the defaulters’ rights with bailiff problems.

b.) Taking possession – Be assured that the Bailiffs are not permitted to take away the necessary items like clothes, fridge, oven, genuine tools of the trade or the furniture that is required for your day to day activities. However, they are authorized to take away the items including car, shed contents, car, game consoles, DVD players or the TVs etc without which you can pull on. It all depends upon the particular state and its individual laws. It may be noted that the defaulters too have the rights with bailiff problems.

c.) Charges – The authorities fix the charges that are payable for the visits of the bailiffs. Persons owning less than £1,500 are liable to pay as follows – £75 after the case is handed over to the bailiff. You have to pay £235 if the letter of the bailiff is ignored and he or she has to visit you. Another amount of £110 becomes payable by the defaulter if the bailiffs take possession of the permitted goods for sale in the auction. Storage of your goods by the bailiffs or use of locksmith etc also makes you liable for additional payments. The bailiffs are authorized for additional fee equivalent to a percentage of the debt for their subsequent visits if the defaulter owes more than £1,500. However, if they ask for the wrong fee, the matter can be challenged by the defaulters.

Bailiffs, the authorized persons have the right to recover the debts as they are authorized to do so by the court of law. They are not authorized to take the law into their own hands as the defaulters too have the legal rights with bailiff problems.